Walk a ‘Virtual’ Mile 2020

“Last year more than 900 Berkshire County residents of all ages and backgrounds took to the street and walked a mile united against rape, sexual assault and gender violence. Together we raised over $90,000 to support Elizabeth Freeman Center’s life-saving services.  Thank you!”  

Every September, as part of Third Thursday in Pittsfield, The Elizabeth Freeman Center (EFC) holds Walk A Mile in Her Shoes. I’m sure you’ve heard about, or even participated in it.  If not, please go to their website and read all about it!  


When I moved to Pittsfield, I didn’t know many people, so taking my camera to the Third Thursday events every month helped me to become acquainted with the community. I met so many wonderful people and became involved in a number of organizations. One year, I was fortunate enough to be asked to photograph the Walk A Mile event, and have been doing so ever since then. 

When they asked me to be their photographer, I did not know how special this group, this event, these participants would become to me.  Since then, I have walked quite a few miles, backwards, sideways and forward, up and down Pittsfield’s North Street, taking photos with tears in my eyes.  

It is an inspiration to see these men proudly wearing women’s shoes, some with very high heels (that even I could not walk in), collecting donations in their buckets. The funds they raise go to the EFC, where they are used to help victims of domestic and sexual violence.  I’ve seen more and more men, especially young men, step out of their shoes and don these high heels. Sometimes with a grimace, or maybe an embarrassed laugh, but always, always they walk with a single-minded dedication to this worthiest of causes. And it’s not just men walking!  Women and children are out there too!  It is a very powerful message of love, support and courage!

And now, it’s time for this year’s walk, during the pandemic….


“These are dangerous and unprecedented times. The very necessary steps we take to stop the spread of Coronavirus also create the very conditions that result in increased domestic and sexual violence. And we are seeing it.”

As you can imagine, while we all struggle with the ‘new normal’ during this scary time of isolation and quarantine, victims of domestic and sexual violence are experiencing even worse struggles.

Let’s help the EFC help them!!!  

This year, they are holding a Virtual Walk A Mile.  Although it won’t be an event on a Thursday night in September, it will happen between September 8 – 18.  Coronavirus won’t stop us from being there for each other!  The walkers will be out there, and they will be asking for your donations.  They need our help to make this year’s Walk A Mile as memorable and successful as ever.

I have offered my services to them again, and will try to capture as many walkers as I can!  Please let everyone know where you will be walking, when you will be walking.  If you want me to take your photo, contact me here or email me at Barbara.j.schmick@gmail.com.  As you will see on their website, there are many links/hashtags for all social media outlets so that we can spread the word!

I hope we can all be together again next year, walking as a group on North Street.  But, for now, we will do our best to stay strong, stay united, and be supportive!

My sincere thanks to Janis Broderick and her team at EFC for the tireless work they do all year round, and for making me part of their team.

I hope you enjoy some of my favorite photos from previous Walk A Mile events.

All words in italics are taken directly from EFC website.